One thing I learnt about menstruation at teenagehood is that high sugar intake causes more blood flow and increases dysmenorrhea, which is why my mum advised me to avoid sugar contained foods few days to my menstrual cycle.
Yesterday was world menstrual hygiene day and I saw few people talk about menstruation and women. I also stumbled on a post on Facebook where a person was asking for the cure of menstrual pain if there is any. You can actually avoid menstrual cramps all through your life if only you can avoid some kinds of foods during your menstrual cycle.
At least, staying away from these foods I will mention in the next paragraph 14 days before your period will go a long way to kissing menstrual cramps goodbye.
- Caffeinated foods and beverages

Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) and it is the world’s widely consumed drug. It stimulates certain parts of the autonomic nervous system.
Caffeine containing foods such as chocolate, tea, coffee, worsen symptoms such as anxiety, depression and breast tenderness.
Caffeine also affects the gastrointestinal motility and gastric secretion which can cause diarrhea for you during menstruation. Now you understand why you purge days to your menstruation.
- Processed food

We have come to a time where we eat processed foods time to time especially for single ladies and students. During menstruation, it is advised to keep your salt intake under control so as to avoid bloating, puffiness. Avoiding processed foods is one of the best ways to control your salt intake. Instead or processed foods, eat fresh fruits, vegetables, fish that are naturally low in sodium.
- Avoid food high in fats

Foods that contains high fat influence hormonal activities in the body. When you consume low fat diet, it helps reduce excess estrogen levels in your body. Foods high in fats includes: beef, whole grains, milk diary products, sausages and burgers
- Sugary foods

During menstrual periods, blood sugar level becomes unstable and many woman crave for sugar containing foods. Sugary foods leads to blood sugar flunctuations and this would result in mood swings and tension.
If you eat too many refined foods, which raises your blood sugar level too quickly, your body will react to producing a wide variety of inflammatory chemicals including prostagladins. Menstrual cramps is one of the manifestation of the vicious cycle women experience.
Now that you know the foods to avoid during your periods, avoiding them about 14 days to your periods is the best. Cut down on your consumption and alcohol.
Have you ever experienced a month that you did not have menstrual cramps cos you cut down on your sugar diet?
If yes, please share your experience in the comment box.