Breast pain happens to women of all age and can occur before and after menopause. Albeit, breast pain is more common in younger women who are still in their reproductive stage.
The severity of the pain usually vary on the size, location and cause of the pain. It can occur in both breasts of one breast.
There are two types of breast pain, the cyclical breast pain and the non cyclical breast pain.
There are two types of breast pain, the cyclical and non cyclical pain.
The cyclical breast pain, just as the name implies rotates around a cycle, like the menstrual cycle. It is linked to changing hormone levels during menstrual cycle. In a cyclical pain, the following are always present:
- Pain is achy and heavy
- Breast swells ans seem lumpy
- Both breasts are affected, the upper and outer areas are also affected.
The cyclical breast pain is common amidsts ladies. It can be noticed days to your menstrual period or days after your menstrual period. For me, a cyclical breast pain is a premenstrual sign for me and also a sign that I am in my ovulation period. Having known this, I have never been scared about the pains.
The non cyclical breast pain can be triggered by several things, other than hormones or menstrual cycle. How to know if you have non cyclical breast pain, you will notice the following:
Pain is tight
Soreness and a burning sensation is present
Discomfort is constant, the pain is mainly unbearable for the lady.
You will observe that a non cyclical pain will affect you if you have passed menopause.
It affects the breast in a particular way or site.
Sometimes, non cyclical pain can have many causes ranging from injury to breast surgery.
Causes of breast pain.
- Breast cysts: Breast cysts are fluid filled sacs that can be soft or firm and may or may not cause pain.
- Medications can cause breast pain, such medications include hormonal contraceptive, infertility treatment.
- Pregnancy
- Menstrual cycle, I mentioned this earlier that breast pain is a premenstrual sign or ovulation sign for me.
- Breastfeeding: Some babies do not suck their mother's nipple in the appropriate way
- Breast size: The bigger the size, the more the pressure on the chest and back. This can also cause back pain.
- Breast infection which is also called mastitis
- Breast surgery
- Coschondritis is a type of arthritis that occurs where the ribs and breast bone connect
- A poorly fitted bra: Breast pain can be caused by an improperly fitted bra. This bra might be tight or loose, to be able to support the breast well and this causes breast pain.
Make use of a supportive and fitted bra. It does not have to be too big or too small.
Maintain a healthy diet
Breast self examination is neccessary.
If pain is intense, visit a doctor